add the mvq to your people development program
The MVQ is an ideal addition to your people development program, supporting
self-reflection, personal insight and values-based growth.

What the MVQ can add to your development program
- Progressive organisations understand that professional development begins with personal growth. The MVQ ensures that your employees and leaders are engaging in development programs from a place of personal clarity
- Research shows that personal values clarity plays a crucial role in engagement with organisational values
- Enhance engagement by aligning employee’s experience of work with their personal values
- Choose an MVQ version that evaluates employee’s current values alignment at work, in life, or both

How it works
- We can set you up an account and a branded version of the MVQ questionnaire
- You invite your employees to complete the MVQ (or we can invite them for you)
- Upon completion, you employee receives an instant download of their report
- We send you an invoice and payment request
- Discounts on the retail price of USD$39 can be applied for regular/volume users
- We can provide advice on how to use the MVQ within an employee and/or leadership development program
New Zealand’s largest bank is highly committed to developing its people, a commitment underlined by a comprehensive personal leadership development program attended by employees at all levels of the organisation for over 5 years.
The Project
BNZ wanted attendees of the program to have an early opportunity to enhance their self awareness and get clarity about what is important to them and how it relates to their current experience of work. The MVQ was seen as an ideal fit for this purpose.
The Service
Over 1300 BNZ employees completed the MVQ as part of the program. Typically a group of 50-100 employees will complete the MVQ over a 2 week period, with reports returned in time for discussion and activities at the early workshops.
The Outcome
“The whole process of running My Values Questionnaire (MVQ) reports runs seamlessly. The service provided is efficient, straight forward and reliable (reports are always delivered within our agreed turnaround time).
We really value Awake’s ability to be flexible. A key ingredient in our success using the MVQ has been Tim’s input in developing our own understanding of values more broadly and the MVQ work.
The MVQ product has added great value to our programme and has been successful in raising awareness about values and how we can live them more with many hundreds of people.”
Starf is a global human capital management consultancy.
The Project
Starf is a global human capital management consultancy. We were tasked with implementing our Values in Action program for a professional accounting practice that specialised in business advice and taxation.
The Service
We used the MVQ to give stakeholders information in regards to their current values to engage them in the values process as part of and prior to them participating in experiential values sessions to align them to the values the Board had created for the organisation.
The Outcome
“Participants found their individual personal values profiles insightful and interesting. The MVQ certainly assisted our trainers in getting buy-in from participants in a way that was relevant to them.
The service we received from Tim Cotter was timely, professional and seamless. We certainly will use him and the MVQ again for future Values consulting projects.”