about the mvq 


The My Values Questionnaire (MVQ) is an online values questionnaire that identifies your core values, and evaluates how you are living them in your life and work.

The MVQ Questionnaire

The MVQ measures 22 values which have been drawn from analysis of several established models, including those of Schwartz and Rokeach.  The questionnaire has 3 main sections:

  • What are your values?
  • How are you living them in your life?
  • How are you living them at work?
  • 110 questions, approx. 15-20 minutes


The MVQ Report

The MVQ report includes the following:

  • Summary of your priority values and how you are living them
  • A weighted analysis of both life and work satisfaction, calculated by combining values priority and current experience
  • Two workbook exercises to aid with values-based decision-making and action planning

The Developer of the MVQ

The MVQ is provided by Tim Cotter, an organisational psychologist based in Melbourne, Australia.

The tool was created in 2005 after years of conducting workshops and coaching sessions where it became obvious that people benefited from clarifying their values and aligning them with their life and work. With no simple tool available to assist this process, Tim set about developing the MVQ, which has now supported the development of thousands of people across the world.